
What’s it like to Work on a Spanish Nomad Visa?


In today’s digital age, the notion of being tethered to a single location for work is gradually fading. Enter the concept of the “nomad visa” – a particular type of visa tailored for those who thrive in remote work and wish to combine their profession with the allure of travel. One country that has prominently positioned itself within this emerging trend is Spain, offering what many remote workers consider the golden ticket: the Spanish nomad visa.

The Spanish nomad visa not only serves as a gateway to Spain’s enchanting landscapes, rich history, and diverse culture but also as a testament to the country’s forward-thinking approach. Recognizing the paradigm shift towards remote work, Spain has catered to this evolving demographic, ensuring that digital nomads can experience the best of what the nation offers, all while continuing their professional endeavors.

So, what does it indeed mean to work on a Spanish nomad visa? Is it merely about relocating to a new country, or does it present a unique blend of work and wanderlust? Let’s delve deeper into this exciting opportunity and discover what Spain has in store for the modern-day nomad.

Background on the Spanish Nomad Visa

As the allure of a flexible work environment grows, so does the interest in visas that accommodate this lifestyle. The Spanish nomad visa has emerged as one of the most sought-after options for digital nomads worldwide. But before packing your bags for Spain, let’s explore what this visa entails and why it has captured the attention of so many.

What is a Spanish nomad visa?

At its core, the Spanish nomad visa is a specialized visa that grants its holders the legal right to reside and work remotely in Spain. Unlike a tourist visa, which restricts employment, or a traditional work visa, which often requires a local employer, the Spanish nomad visa caters specifically to those whose work can be done virtually anywhere. This distinction makes it ideal for freelancers, entrepreneurs, and professionals in tech, design, writing, and many other fields.

Who is eligible?

While the thought of living and working in Spain may sound enticing, ensuring you meet the eligibility criteria before applying is essential. Key requirements include:

  • Proof of steady remote employment or freelance contracts.
  • A minimum monthly income, ensuring self-sufficiency during the stay.
  • Valid health insurance coverage for the duration of your stay in Spain.
  • No criminal record.
  • A detailed plan of your stay, including intended residence.

The Spanish nomad visa is designed primarily for digital nomads, ensuring they can seamlessly integrate into the Spanish ecosystem without competing for local jobs.

Duration and renewability

Initially, the Spanish nomad visa was granted for one year. However, the beauty of this visa lies in its flexibility. Nomads can apply for extensions, allowing them to immerse themselves in the Spanish culture and lifestyle for longer durations. Each renewal requires re-evaluating the initial eligibility criteria, ensuring that the holder maintains their remote work status and financial stability.

Benefits of the Spanish Nomad Visa

As remote work becomes the norm for many professionals worldwide, the concept of blending work with travel has never been more enticing. The Spanish nomad visa stands out among the myriad of options available for digital nomads. Here’s a closer look at the benefits that come with this particular visa.

Flexibility in Work

The primary allure of the Spanish nomad visa is the unparalleled flexibility it offers. Holders of this visa are not tied to a specific employer in Spain, nor are they restricted to a fixed location. This means you can work from a sunny beach in Malaga one week and from the historic heart of Seville the next, all while staying connected with clients or employers from around the world.

Networking Opportunities

Spain has become a hotspot for digital nomads, and with the introduction of the Spanish nomad visa, its popularity is only expected to rise. This provides an incredible opportunity to network. Cities like Barcelona and Madrid regularly host events, meet-ups, and workshops tailored for the digital nomad community. Engaging in these events not only helps in professional growth but also in building lasting connections with like-minded individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Quality of Life in Spain

Holders of the Spanish nomad visa are in for a treat when it comes to quality of life. Here are some perks of living in Spain:

  • Diverse landscapes: From pristine beaches to snow-capped mountains, Spain offers a range of environments to suit every preference.
  • Rich culture and history: Dive deep into Spain’s history by visiting its myriad of museums, historic sites, and cultural festivals.
  • Delectable cuisine: Spanish dishes like paella, tapas, and churros are known worldwide, and there’s nothing like savoring them right in their place of origin.
  • Friendly locals: The Spanish are known for their warmth and hospitality, ensuring that nomads feel right at home.

Potential Tax Benefits

While the financial aspects of living in a foreign country can be intricate, some potential tax benefits come with the Spanish nomad visa. It’s essential to note that tax implications vary based on individual circumstances, so consulting with a tax expert is crucial. However, under certain conditions, nomads might benefit from Spain’s tax treaties with other countries or specific regulations designed for foreign residents.

Living and Working Experiences in Spain

Spain, with its vibrant cities, scenic countryside, and a rich tapestry of cultures, offers an unparalleled living experience. For holders of the Spanish nomad visa, this experience is further enriched by the flexibility and freedom that remote work brings. Let’s delve into what life and work look like for digital nomads in Spain.

Connectivity and Co-working Spaces

A robust internet connection is the lifeline of any digital nomad. Thankfully, Spain boasts a solid internet infrastructure, especially in urban areas. Major cities like Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, and Bilbao offer high-speed internet, ensuring that work remains uninterrupted.

But working from Spain is about more than just having good Wi-Fi. The rise of the Spanish nomad visa has seen a parallel growth in co-working spaces catering to digital nomads. These spaces offer more than just a desk and internet connection:

  • Collaborative environment: Rub shoulders with other professionals, fostering innovation and collaboration.
  • Amenities: Many co-working spaces provide conference rooms, printing facilities, and even cafes.
  • Networking events: Regular workshops and meet-ups can be beneficial for professional growth.
  • Barcelona Activa – Located in Barcelona.
  • Urban Campus – With locations in Madrid and Malaga.
  • Vortex Coworking – Nestled in the heart of Valencia.

Accommodation Options for Nomads

The Spanish nomad visa offers the freedom to choose where you reside. From bustling urban neighborhoods to serene coastal towns, the options are vast. Here’s a breakdown of potential accommodations:

  • Hostels: Great for short-term stays and networking with other travelers.
  • Serviced apartments: Provide the comfort of home with the services of a hotel.
  • Shared apartments or ‘pisos compartidos’: Popular among locals and expats alike, they offer an affordable and friendly living arrangement.
  • Rural retreats: For those wanting to escape the urban hustle.

Balancing Work and Leisure

The Spanish nomad visa is not just a work permit; it’s a ticket to a balanced lifestyle. While work is essential, Spain offers numerous opportunities to relax and rejuvenate:

  • Café culture: Spaniards love their cafés. Take a break and enjoy a café con leche or a churro.
  • Siesta: Embrace the local custom of afternoon naps. It can be refreshing, especially during hot summer days.
  • Festivals: From the running of the bulls in Pamplona to La Tomatina in Buñol, there’s always a celebration around the corner.
  • Nature: Hike the Camino de Santiago, relax on the beaches of Costa Brava, or explore the caves of Andalusia.

Challenges and Considerations

While the Spanish nomad visa undoubtedly opens doors to a wealth of opportunities and experiences, it’s essential to recognize that living and working in a foreign country also presents its challenges. Being aware of these considerations can help digital nomads navigate their journey more effectively.

Navigating the Bureaucracy

The process of obtaining and renewing the Spanish nomad visa can sometimes be daunting, especially for those unfamiliar with Spanish bureaucracy. It’s crucial to:

  • Stay organized: Keep all relevant documents in order and make copies.
  • Be patient: Delays can be a part of the process. It’s essential to factor in ample time when applying or renewing.
  • Seek assistance: Consulting with an immigration lawyer or a visa service can simplify the process and ensure you meet all requirements.

Language Barrier

While many Spaniards, especially in urban areas, speak English, it’s only sometimes spoken. For holders of the Spanish nomad visa, this can pose challenges in day-to-day interactions, be it at a local store, with neighbors, or while navigating public services. Some suggestions to overcome this include:

  • Learning basic Spanish: Even a few phrases can go a long way in building connections.
  • Using translation apps: Modern technology offers real-time translation tools, aiding communication.
  • Engaging in language exchange programs: This not only helps in improving language skills but also fosters cultural exchange.

Adjusting to Cultural Norms

Spain, with its rich cultural tapestry, has customs and traditions that might be new to many digital nomads. For instance:

  • Siesta: The traditional afternoon break can mean that many shops and services close for a few hours.
  • Late mealtimes: Dinner in Spain often starts much later than what many might be accustomed to, typically around 9 PM or even later.

Cost of Living

While the Spanish nomad visa provides the right to live and work in Spain, it’s essential to understand the associated costs. While some areas, especially the smaller towns, can be pretty affordable, cities like Madrid and Barcelona can be more expensive. It’s a good idea to:

  • Budget wisely: Factor in all potential expenses, from rent to transportation.
  • Live like a local: Embrace local ways of shopping, eating, and commuting to save money.


The rise of remote work has reshaped the landscape of employment, creating avenues that seemed unthinkable just a few years ago. Among these pathways, the Spanish nomad visa stands as a beacon, guiding digital nomads to a land filled with rich heritage, scenic beauty, and ample opportunities.

Holders of the Spanish nomad visa are not just granted a permit to work but an invitation to immerse in the Spanish way of life. It’s a chance to blend the lines between work and leisure, between the known and the new. While challenges are part of any journey, they often lead to growth, resilience, and countless memories.

As we’ve navigated the intricate tapestry of the Spanish nomad visa, it’s evident that Spain offers more than just a destination. It presents a promise of adventures, of connections, and of stories waiting to be written. Whether you’re a seasoned digital nomad or just embarking on this journey, Spain, with its open arms and sunny skies, beckons.

If the allure of the Spanish nomad visa resonates with you, it’s time to pen your Spanish chapter. Our Digital Nomad Visa Lawyers can help you with the process of obtaining this amazing visa, so that you can start relaxing as soon as possible. Call us to learn more!

FAQ’s Section

  1. What is the Spanish Nomad Visa?

Answer: The Spanish Nomad Visa is a particular type of visa that allows non-EU/EEA nationals to live and work remotely from Spain. It is tailored for digital nomads, freelancers, and other remote workers who earn their income outside of Spain.

  1. How long can I stay in Spain with the Nomad Visa?

Answer: Typically, the Spanish Nomad Visa allows for a stay of up to one year. However, in some cases, it may be renewable, depending on the specific terms and conditions at the time of application.

  1. Do I need to pay taxes in Spain while on this visa?

Answer: If you’re only working for non-Spanish clients and not generating income within Spain, you generally won’t be taxed on your foreign income. However, if you stay in Spain for over 183 days in a calendar year, you may be considered a tax resident and could be subject to different tax implications.

  1. Can I work for Spanish clients or companies while on the Nomad Visa?

Answer: The Nomad Visa is primarily intended for those earning income from outside Spain. If you intend to work for Spanish clients or companies, you may need a different type of work visa and should consult with an immigration lawyer.

  1. What are the requirements to obtain a Spanish Nomad Visa?

Answer: While requirements may vary slightly, generally, applicants need to show proof of stable income from outside Spain, valid health insurance, and a clean criminal record, among other documents.

  1. Is it mandatory to live in a specific region of Spain with this visa?

Answer: No, the Spanish Nomad Visa generally allows you to live anywhere within Spain. However, you should always check the specific terms of your visa.

  1. Can my family accompany me if I get a Spanish Nomad Visa?

Answer: The Spanish Nomad Visa is primarily for the individual applicant. If you want to bring family members, you may need to look into family reunification or other visa types that permit family members.

  1. How does the cost of living in Spain compare for digital nomads?

Answer: Spain offers a relatively affordable cost of living compared to many Western European countries. However, cities like Madrid and Barcelona may be more expensive than smaller towns or rural areas. Digital nomads often find that their money goes further in Spain than in many other countries.

  1. Can I travel to other Schengen countries with the Spanish Nomad Visa?

Answer: Yes, once in Spain on a valid visa, you can generally travel to other Schengen Area countries for short stays, typically up to 90 days within 180 days.

  1. What happens if my remote job ends while I’m in Spain on the Nomad Visa?

Answer: If your primary source of income ceases while you’re in Spain, it’s essential to ensure that you still meet the visa’s income requirements. If you can’t, consider other visa options or leave Spain.

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