
The Best VAWA Lawyer for Your Case

The Violence Against Women Act has been crucial in helping immigrants escape abusive relationships by offering them safety and comfort. However, the fact that it is self-petitioned means it is usually more difficult to secure. But, you can tip the odds in your favor by hiring a VAWA lawyer to help you out. 

Of course, the benefits of having a VAWA lawyer by your side while petitioning for VAWA can not be stated well enough. However, there’s also no overlooking the fact that you can only enjoy these benefits when you hire the right VAWA lawyer. Moreover, since the VAWA self-petition is such a delicate issue, you want to ensure your attorney knows what they are doing. Luckily, the Coleman Law Group is always on hand to provide just the right assistance you need to get your VAWA over the line hassle-free. Still in doubt? 

Why Hire Us As Your VAWA Lawyer?

We Offer Top Quality Consultations

When it comes to cases as delicate as VAWA self-petition, the attorney consultation becomes even more crucial, and here’s why. First of all, like other immigration options, the VAWA laws can be very complex and ever-changing. So, before venturing into your self-petition process, you need to ensure you are updated on the entire process. Well, the best way to go about this is by scheduling a consultation session with your VAWA lawyer. 

Now, it goes without saying that your attorney can only give what they have. This is why you should opt for a VAWA lawyer who has a broad knowledge of VAWA. At the Coleman Law Group, we make it our business to be conversant and up-to-date on every single item on the VAWA rulebook. Therefore, we are perfectly placed to answer all your questions on the topic and put an end to all your VAWA uncertainties. 

But beyond our knowledge of the VAWA principles, we boast an excellent communication skill that is more than evident in the consultation process. This means that we can simplify the complex laws and interpret them to you in the most simple terms. And that’s one of the qualities of a quality VAWA lawyer. 

We Have Many Years of Experience

When it comes to VAWA, you want an attorney who can talk the talk and walk the walk. In other words, what you need is an attorney who can guarantee results, and that’s where the experience comes in.

An experienced VAWA lawyer isn’t just about the knowledge of the law, but also about the application. A lawyer who has handled so many cases already knows the dos and don’ts of the entire process, and that’s exactly what you get with the Coleman Law Group. Because of our years of experience with immigration laws, we know what strings to pull to swing the entire case to your advantage. We also know what mistakes to avoid to secure a successful VAWA self-petition. 

Moreover, if you don’t want to take our word for it, our track record speaks for itself.  

Expert Documentation and Evidence Compilation

With VAWA cases, evidence is key, and the more evidence you can compile, the more convincing your petition becomes. However, compiling compelling evidence for VAWA is often easier said than done. In addition, it can be overwhelming to put together, and going through this evidence can be emotionally draining too. This is another reason to partner with a lawyer for your VAWA self-petition. Here’s a list of the evidence you’ll be required to provide. 

  • Proof of qualifying relationship with the abuser
  • Proof that the abuser is a US citizen or lawful permanent resident 
  • Proof of cohabitation with the abuser at any point 
  • Proof that you were actually abused 
  • Proof that you entered into the relationship in good faith (for abused spouse only) 
  • Additionally, petitioners need to be of good moral conduct and have a clean criminal record to qualify for VAWA. 

These are the primary evidences you’ll need to provide to be eligible for VAWA immigration. However, it’s not just about providing this evidence, but also about compiling them correctly and ensuring they are submitted through the correct platform. Now, this is another service you can always count on us to render to complete perfection. 

We Are Thorough 

There are many places you can get away with being uncertain, but VAWA is not one of them. The VAWA processing is arguably one of the most elaborate in the immigration system, and even the slightest mistake or oversight can completely hamper the success of your petition. So, while it doesn’t guarantee a successful VAWA application, avoiding mistakes can go a long way to solidify your claim. That’s why you’ll want a lawyer who has a third eye for spotting errors. 

At the Coleman Law Group, we are very thorough and will go through your application blow-by-blow to ensure it is error-free. We also offer expert critical reviews to promptly spot potential problems and fix them before they affect your petition.

You Are Our Number One Priority 

Getting a good and experienced VAWA lawyer is one thing, but getting them to focus on your case is another. Now, since good lawyers are always in demand, they can sometimes end up with more than they can handle. In such cases, you hardly ever get as much attention as your case needs, and that can be costly. 

But this is not even a concern with us, because at the Coleman Law Group, you are always our number one priority. We never bite more than we can chew. This means we always have more than enough time to focus on your case and get it over the line in good time. 

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