
Living as a Spain Digital Nomad: Beyond the Visa.


Living as a Spain digital nomad has become increasingly popular in recent years, as technology has allowed for more remote work opportunities and a more flexible lifestyle. For those unfamiliar with the term, a digital nomad works online while traveling and living in different locations worldwide.

One country that has been attracting digital nomads is Spain, thanks to its beautiful landscapes, rich culture, and affordable cost of living. Additionally, Spain has introduced a digital nomad visa, making it easier for digital nomads to legally live and work in the country. In this article, we will discuss living in Spain as a digital nomad, beyond just obtaining the visa, and delve into the lifestyle, benefits, challenges, and tips for making the most of your time as a Spain digital nomad.


The Spain Digital Nomad Visa


The Spain Digital Nomad Visa is a residence permit allowing foreign nationals to live and work in Spain as digital nomads. You can legally reside in Spain while working remotely for a foreign company or as a freelancer. The visa is valid for one year and can be renewed for up to three years.


To apply for the Spain Digital Nomad Visa, you must meet the following requirements:


  • Proof of stable income: You must have a stable income of at least €2,200 per month or a bank balance of at least €25,000.
  • Health insurance: You must have comprehensive health insurance in Spain.
  • Accommodation: You must have a confirmed place of accommodation in Spain.
  • No criminal record: You must have a clean criminal record in your home country and any other countries you have lived in for the past five years.
  • Payment of visa fee: You must pay the visa application fee, which varies depending on your nationality.


The application process for the Spain Digital Nomad Visa is as follows:


  • Gather all required documents: Ensure you have all the necessary documents ready before starting the application process.
  • Apply online: The Spain Digital Nomad Visa application can be submitted online through the Spanish consulate’s website.
  • Schedule an appointment: After applying online, you must schedule an appointment at the Spanish consulate in your home country.
  • Attend the appointment: Bring all the required documents and attend the appointment at the Spanish consulate.
  • Wait for a decision: The processing time for the Spain Digital Nomad Visa is typically 1-3 months.
  • Collect your visa: Once your application is approved, you must collect your visa from the Spanish consulate.


Why Choose Spain?


Spain has become a popular destination for digital nomads for a variety of reasons:


  • Quality of Life: Spain offers a high quality of life with its excellent healthcare, safety, and infrastructure. The people are friendly, and the culture is rich and diverse.


  • Cost of Living: The cost of living in Spain is relatively affordable compared to other Western European countries. You can live comfortably on around €1,200 to €1,500 per month in smaller cities and around €2,000 to €2,500 per month in larger cities like Barcelona and Madrid.


  • Coworking Spaces: Spain has a thriving coworking scene, with plenty of coworking spaces available nationwide. This makes it easy for digital nomads to find a comfortable and productive work environment.


  • Weather: Spain enjoys a mild climate with plenty of sunshine throughout the year. This makes it an attractive destination for digital nomads looking to escape colder climates.


  • Attractions: Spain has numerous attractions, from beautiful beaches and mountains to historic cities and world-class museums. There is always something to see and do in Spain.


Digital Nomad Community: Spain has a large and active digital nomad community, making it easy to meet other like-minded individuals and make new friends.


Life as a Spain Digital Nomad


Living as a Spanish digital nomad can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Here is what day-to-day life typically looks like for a Spain digital nomad:


  • Work: Most digital nomads in Spain work remotely for foreign companies or as freelancers. Coworking spaces are widely available and offer a productive work environment. Popular coworking spaces in Spain include WeWork, Spaces, and The Shed Co.


  • Leisure: After work, there is plenty of time for leisure activities. Spain has much to offer regarding outdoor activities, cultural events, and nightlife. Popular activities include going to the beach, hiking, visiting museums and galleries, attending festivals and concerts, and dining out.


  • Socializing: The digital nomad community in Spain is large and active. There are plenty of opportunities for networking and socializing with other digital nomads and expats. and Facebook groups are good places to find events and meet other digital nomads.


  • Travel: Spain is well connected by public transportation, making it easy to travel and explore new places. Popular destinations for weekend trips include Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Seville, and Granada.


Living as a Spanish digital nomad offers a unique and fulfilling experience. With its high quality of life, affordable cost of living, thriving coworking scene, and plenty of attractions, Spain is an ideal destination for digital nomads. Additionally, the Spain digital nomad visa makes it easier to live and work in Spain legally.

While there are challenges to overcome, the benefits of living in Spain as a digital nomad outweigh them. Whether you are just starting as a digital nomad or are a seasoned professional, Spain has something to offer everyone. We want to help you get to Spain ready to start a new chapter of your life. Let us help you by taking care of the hard parts. We can help you with every step of the process of obtaining this special visa. Schedule a free consultation with our Digital Nomad Visa Lawyers today!




What is a digital nomad?

A digital nomad works remotely, often in the digital or online space, and is free to travel and live anywhere in the world.


Is there a special visa for digital nomads in Spain?

No, Spain does not have a specific visa for digital nomads. However, you can apply for a non-lucrative visa, which allows you to live in Spain but not work for a Spanish company.


How can I apply for a non-lucrative visa in Spain?

You will need to apply at the Spanish consulate in your home country. You must provide proof of income, health insurance, and a criminal background check, among other documents.


What is the minimum income requirement for the non-lucrative visa?

The minimum income requirement for a single applicant is around €2,130 per month, plus an additional €532 per month for each dependent.


Can I work for a foreign company while on a non-lucrative visa in Spain?

You can work remotely for a foreign company while on a non-lucrative visa in Spain.


How long does the non-lucrative visa last?

The non-lucrative visa is valid for one year and can be renewed for two-year periods up to five years.


Can I apply for residency after living in Spain on a non-lucrative visa?

Yes, you can apply for permanent residency after living in Spain for five years on a non-lucrative visa.


Is it expensive to live in Spain as a digital nomad?

The cost of living in Spain varies by region, but it is generally affordable compared to other Western European countries. Cities like Barcelona and Madrid are more expensive, while smaller towns and rural areas are cheaper.


Are there co-working spaces in Spain?

There are plenty of co-working spaces in Spain, especially in the larger cities.


Is the internet fast and reliable in Spain?

Yes, the internet in Spain is generally fast and reliable, although it may be slower in rural areas.

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