
Finding a Place to Stay with a Nomad Visa Spain


With its rich history, diverse landscapes, and vibrant culture, Spain has long been a favorite destination for travelers worldwide. However, in recent years, it’s more than just the average tourist flocking to the sun-drenched beaches and bustling cities. The digital nomad community has found a new home in this Mediterranean paradise, thanks mainly to the nomad visa Spain has introduced.

The nomad visa Spain offers brings many opportunities for freelancers, remote workers, and entrepreneurs looking for an idyllic backdrop to their workdays. From the bustling streets of Barcelona to the serene coastline of Costa Brava, Spain ensures a picturesque setting, all while providing the infrastructure and amenities that modern professionals need.

As the popularity of the nomad visa Spain continues to grow, so does the need for reliable information on settling down in this beautiful country. Whether you’re planning a short stay or considering making Spain your long-term base, this guide will help you navigate the ins and outs of finding the perfect place to call home.

Understanding the Nomad Visa Spain

What is the Nomad Visa Spain?

The nomad visa Spain introduced is a revolutionary step for the global digital workforce. This specific visa type is catered to remote workers, freelancers, and digital entrepreneurs who wish to reside in Spain while working for companies or clients outside the country. Unlike traditional work visas, the nomad visa Spain allows professionals to live and enjoy the Spanish lifestyle without being tied to a local job or employer.

One of the most significant benefits of the nomad visa Spain offers is its flexibility. It acknowledges the changing global work dynamics and supports the idea that work doesn’t have to be confined within the walls of an office or a country’s borders.

Eligibility Criteria for the Nomad Visa Spain

To ensure the success and relevance of the visa, Spain has laid down specific eligibility criteria. These are designed to ensure the country attracts genuine digital professionals who contribute positively to the community and economy.

  • Proof of Ongoing Work: Applicants must provide evidence that they work remotely for a company outside Spain or have freelance contracts with international clients.
  • Minimum Monthly Income: To be eligible for the nomad visa Spain, one must demonstrate a stable monthly income. This ensures that digital nomads can sustain their stay and won’t be a burden on the Spanish welfare system.
  • Health Insurance: Comprehensive health insurance covering your entire stay in Spain is necessary. This ensures that nomads can access healthcare services without straining the local health resources.
  • Clear Criminal Record: As with many visa applications, individuals should have a clean criminal record in their home country and any other country they’ve resided in for the past five years.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Place to Stay

Choosing the right place to stay in Spain, especially with the nomad visa Spain in hand, is more than just finding a comfortable bed and a roof. It’s about immersing oneself in the culture, being part of a community, and ensuring that daily work and life demands are met seamlessly. Here are a few crucial factors every digital nomad should consider:

Duration of Stay

  • Short-term vs. Long-term: Your intended duration will dictate your desired accommodation. Serviced apartments or co-living spaces might be more apt for a shorter stay. But if Spain will be your base for the foreseeable future under the nomad visa Spain, consider renting an apartment or even exploring lease-to-own options.
  • Flexibility: Given the nomad visa Spain’s nature, extending your stay is always an option. Ensure your accommodation provides flexibility, whether month-to-month leasing or easy contract extensions.

Proximity to Essential Services

  • Healthcare and Wellness: Regardless of your adventurousness, being close to a reliable healthcare facility is paramount. Spain offers excellent healthcare services, but it’s essential to be in a location that doesn’t require a day’s journey for a simple check-up.
  • Reliable Internet: The lifeblood of a digital nomad! Ensure your accommodation guarantees fast and stable internet connectivity. After all, the essence of the nomad visa Spain is to allow you to work seamlessly while enjoying Spain’s beauty.
  • Local Amenities: Think about daily life – grocery stores, banks, public transportation, and entertainment venues. Being near these essentials can make your stay significantly more enjoyable.

Local Community and Networking Opportunities

  • Co-working Spaces: These aren’t just about a desk and internet connection. Co-working spaces often become community hubs where you can meet fellow nomads, share experiences, and find new opportunities.
  • Events and Meetups: Spain, a hotspot for digital nomads, hosts numerous events tailored to the community. Whether it’s a workshop, a seminar, or just a casual meetup, being in an area where these events occur can enhance your nomad visa Spain experience.

Lifestyle and Recreation

  • Nature vs. Urban Settings: Spain offers both! While cities like Barcelona and Madrid offer a buzzing urban atmosphere, places like Costa Brava or the Andalusian countryside provide serene natural settings. Decide based on what complements your work style and recreational preferences.
  • Local Culture: The beauty of the nomad visa Spain is that it allows you to immerse deeply in Spanish culture. Choose a location that lets you partake in local festivals, cuisines, and traditions.

By considering these factors, digital nomads can ensure their stay in Spain is productive and memorable. The nomad visa Spain offers the chance to live the dream, and with the proper preparations, that dream can be as vivid and delightful as one hopes.

Accommodation Options with Nomad Visa Spain

As the nomad visa Spain grows in popularity, so does the variety of accommodation options catering to this new wave of residents. From traditional apartments to modern co-living spaces, Spain offers many choices to suit every digital nomad’s preferences and needs. Let’s dive into some of the most popular options available:

Renting an Apartment or House

  • Search Process: Various local and international platforms cater to the Spanish rental market. Websites like Idealista, Fotocasa, or even global platforms like Airbnb can be instrumental in finding long-term rentals. Always read reviews and possibly hire a local agent to assist with the search.
  • Contract Essentials: Most rental contracts in Spain are for a year, but with the rise of the nomad visa Spain, more flexible options are becoming available. Always ensure that the contract is in both Spanish and English (or your native language) to avoid any misunderstandings.
  • Utilities and Amenities: While some rentals include utilities in the monthly rent, others don’t. Clarify this upfront, and always check for essential amenities like Wi-Fi, especially since the essence of the nomad visa Spain is remote work.

Co-living Spaces

  • Community Living: Co-living spaces are more than just shared accommodations. They foster community spirit, with common areas for work, relaxation, and socializing. Popular options include Sun and Co. in Javea or Nine Coliving in Tenerife.
  • Flexible Durations: One of the significant benefits of co-living spaces for those on a nomad visa Spain is flexibility. Most spaces offer weekly, monthly, or longer-term stays, allowing you to explore different parts of Spain without long-term commitments.
  • Networking Opportunities: Given the community nature, co-living spaces often host events, workshops, and meetups, allowing digital nomads to network and learn together.

Hostels and Guesthouses

  • Budget-friendly Options: Especially for those just starting their journey on a nomad visa Spain, hostels and guesthouses provide an affordable way to get to know an area before settling in.
  • Social Environment: Hostels often have a vibrant social atmosphere like co-living spaces. This can be great for networking or simply making new friends worldwide.
  • ocation Variety: Spain boasts many hostels and guesthouses, from urban centers to remote countryside locales. It provides an excellent way to explore different parts of the country under the nomad visa Spain.

Platforms to Find Accommodations

  • Popular Platforms: Aside from the ones above, platforms like Spotahome or Uniplaces cater specifically to medium-term rentals, perfect for digital nomads.
  • Reviews and Verification: Always prioritize platforms with a robust review system and possibly a host verification process.
  • Local Insights: Some platforms or local forums provide insights from other digital nomads who’ve been through the process, ensuring a smoother experience with the nomad visa Spain.

Cost of Living with Nomad Visa Spain

Embracing the Spanish lifestyle with the nomad visa Spain doesn’t just mean enjoying the sunsets over the Mediterranean or indulging in delicious tapas. It’s also about understanding the financial landscape to live comfortably and make informed decisions. Here, we delve into the cost of living in Spain for digital nomads, providing a comprehensive look to ensure your stay is enjoyable and budget-friendly.

Overview of Living Costs in Spain

  • Housing: Rent varies considerably based on the location. While a one-bedroom apartment in central Madrid or Barcelona can range from €800 to €1,500 per month, smaller cities or towns might offer the same for €400 to €800. Leveraging the nomad visa Spain flexibility, some nomads opt for more affordable regions before exploring pricier areas.
  • Utilities: On average, utilities (electricity, heating, cooling, water, garbage) for an 85m^2 apartment can cost between €100 and €150 per month. Internet, a crucial tool for those on a nomad visa Spain, averages around €30 to €50 per month for a high-speed connection.
  • Food: Eating out in Spain can be a treat without breaking the bank. A meal at a mid-range restaurant might cost between €20 and €40. Grocery shopping is also relatively affordable, with monthly costs for a single person averaging between €150 and €300.
  • Transportation: Spain boasts an efficient public transport system. A monthly transport pass in major cities can range from €40 to €70. If you’re considering renting or buying a car, factor in fuel prices, which hover around €1.20 to €1.40 per liter.
  • Entertainment: Whether it’s catching a flamenco show, visiting a museum, or enjoying a night out, Spain offers diverse entertainment options. Costs can vary, but setting aside €50 to €150 monthly can cover various leisure activities, ensuring a well-rounded nomad visa Spain experience.

Ways to Save Money

  • Live Like a Local: Embrace local markets, dine at local eateries, and use local transportation. This will give you a genuine taste of Spanish life and is often more affordable than the tourist-oriented alternatives.
  • Explore Different Regions: Spain is diverse. Utilize the flexibility of the nomad visa Spain and consider staying in lesser-known regions. The cost of living can be significantly lower than in major tourist hubs.
  • Co-working and Co-living Spaces: These spaces often offer package deals, including accommodation, workspace, and sometimes even meals. It can be a cost-effective way to live and work in Spain.
  • Local Deals and Discounts: Websites like Groupon or local equivalents often feature deals on restaurants, activities, or services.

The nomad visa Spain offers a golden opportunity to experience life in one of the world’s most sought-after destinations. By understanding and planning for the cost of living, digital nomads can maximize their stay, striking the perfect balance between work, leisure, and financial well-being.

Final Thoughts and Tips

Even with the fantastic opportunities provided by the nomad visa Spain, navigating life in a new country can be both exhilarating and challenging. As your Spanish adventure unfolds, you must equip yourself with knowledge and insights to make the most of your stay. Here are some final thoughts and tips to ensure a smooth and fulfilling experience:

Integrating into the Spanish Community

  • Learning the Language: While many Spaniards speak English, especially in urban centers, trying to learn basic Spanish can go a long way. Not only does it facilitate daily interactions, but it also allows for deeper cultural immersion. After all, the nomad visa Spain isn’t just about work; it’s about genuinely experiencing Spain.
  • Respecting Local Customs: Whether it’s the afternoon siesta, late-night dinners, or local festivals, immerse yourself in the Spanish way of life. Understanding and respecting local customs enhances community integration and enriches your overall experience.

Preparing for the Unexpected

  • Contingency Plan: While the nomad visa Spain provides stability in terms of stay, always have a contingency plan. Being prepared ensures you remain in control, whether it’s a sudden change in work contracts, health issues, or even the desire to explore a new location.
  • Health and Travel Insurance: While the nomad visa Spain requires health insurance, consider having comprehensive travel insurance. This covers medical emergencies and unforeseen events like travel disruptions or loss of personal items.

Making the Most of Your Nomad Visa Spain

  • Networking: Spain’s digital nomad community is vibrant and ever-growing. Engage in local meetups, workshops, and online groups. Networking can open doors to local experiences, work opportunities, and friendships.
  • Exploration: The beauty of the nomad visa Spain is the freedom it grants. While work is a priority, ensure you take time off to explore. From Barcelona’s architectural wonders to the Canary Islands’ serene beaches, Spain is a treasure trove of experiences.
  • Stay Updated: Laws, regulations, and opportunities related to the nomad visa Spain may evolve. Stay updated by following official channels, joining forums, or networking with fellow nomads who’ve been in Spain for a while.


The allure of Spain, with its diverse landscapes, rich history, and captivating culture, has always been undeniable. But with the introduction of the nomad visa Spain, the nation has firmly positioned itself as a haven for digital nomads from around the globe. This visa is not merely about facilitating more extended stays; it’s a testament to Spain’s progressive approach, recognizing the evolving nature of work and the value of global talent.

The journey with the nomad visa Spain is not just about changing a work location—it’s a transformative experience. It offers a blend of professional growth, cultural immersion, and the freedom to design a lifestyle that harmoniously balances work, leisure, and exploration. While challenges are inevitable, they are far outweighed by the enriching experiences, learnings, and memories that come with living in Spain.

Preparation and understanding are crucial to harnessing the potential of the nomad visa in Spain. From choosing the right accommodation to navigating daily expenses, being informed ensures a smoother transition into Spanish life. Coupled with an open heart and a keen sense of adventure, the opportunities are limitless.

In wrapping up, the nomad visa to Spain is more than just a residency permit—it’s an invitation to a life of inspiration, growth, and countless sunsets over the Mediterranean. As you embark on this exciting chapter, embrace every moment, connect with the vibrant community, and let Spain’s magic transform your world. The process to getting a nomad visa Spain can be a long one. In addition, there are things like housing, transportation, and lifestyle to consider. Let our Digital Nomad Visa Lawyers make this process easier so we can get you to Spain as quick as possible. ¡Vamos! (Let’s go!)

FAQ’s Section

What is the Nomad Visa Spain?

Answer: The Nomad Visa Spain is a visa designed for remote workers, freelancers, and digital nomads who wish to reside in Spain while continuing to work for clients or employers outside of Spain. It allows these individuals to live in Spain and enjoy its amenities without needing a local job.

How long does the Nomad Visa allow you to stay in Spain?

Answer: The Nomad Visa typically allows for a stay of up to one year. Depending on individual circumstances, it can sometimes be renewed for extended periods.

Do I need to find accommodation before I apply for the visa?

Answer: While having a confirmed accommodation before applying is not mandatory, having an address or a booking can strengthen your application, showing your commitment to staying in Spain.

What types of accommodations are popular among digital nomads in Spain?

Answer: Digital nomads often choose co-living spaces, shared apartments, Airbnb rentals, and sometimes even hostels that cater to longer-term stays. Cities like Barcelona and Madrid have numerous serviced apartments suitable for digital nomads.

How can I find long-term rental properties in Spain?

Answer: Websites like Idealista, Fotocasa, and Milanuncios are popular platforms for long-term rentals. It’s also good to join local Facebook groups or forums dedicated to housing in specific Spanish cities.

Are there specific cities or regions in Spain that are particularly nomad-friendly?

Answer: Yes! Cities like Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, and Malaga are popular among digital nomads due to their amenities, coworking spaces, and international communities. However, many nomads also explore more miniature cities and coastal towns for a more authentic experience.

Is it essential to sign a lease agreement when securing accommodation?

Answer: While only sometimes essential, having a lease agreement is recommended. It provides legal protection and can be helpful for administrative tasks like registering for a local municipality or opening a bank account.

Are there any specific considerations for nomads when renting a place in Spain?

Answer: Nomads need to check for a good internet connection, understand the lease terms (especially the notice period), and potentially negotiate flexible lease terms, given their more fluid lifestyles.

Do you know if I can use co-working or co-living spaces as my official address for the visa?

Answer: It depends on the specific co-living or co-working space. Some establishments allow it, while others might not. Could you ask the management beforehand and make sure you can receive official mail there is essential?

What happens if I change my accommodation during my stay in Spain with a Nomad Visa?

Answer: If you change your accommodation, it’s generally a good idea to notify the relevant authorities, especially if your initial accommodation was part of your visa application. I want you to know that keeping your records up-to-date can prevent potential complications in the future.

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