
How Much Does it Cost to be a Digital Nomad in Spain


The allure of being a digital nomad has captured the imaginations of countless individuals worldwide. With the freedom to work from anywhere and explore new destinations, it’s no wonder that Spain has emerged as a top destination for this burgeoning community. Spain offers a delightful mix of historical charm, diverse landscapes, and a robust digital infrastructure, making it an enticing choice for those looking to embark on their digital nomad journey.

But what exactly does it cost to be a digital nomad in Spain? From the sun-kissed beaches of Costa del Sol to the bustling streets of Barcelona, Spain offers a wide range of experiences. However, understanding the costs involved is crucial for those considering making this Iberian nation their temporary or even permanent digital workspace. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into every aspect of the expenses you might encounter as a digital nomad in Spain, ensuring you’re well-prepared to make the most of your nomadic adventure.

Whether you’re looking to savor Spain’s rich cultural tapestry, indulge in its world-famous cuisine, or find a scenic spot to set up your laptop, being a digital nomad in Spain promises an experience like no other. Join us as we break down the costs, ensuring your Spanish sojourn is both memorable and budget-friendly.

Why Spain is an Attractive Destination for Digital Nomads

Spain, with its picturesque landscapes and historic cities, has long been a haven for travelers. But in recent years, it has also blossomed as a top choice for the digital nomad community. If you’re contemplating joining the ranks of digital nomads in Spain, there are a plethora of reasons why this might be the perfect decision.

Historical Significance and Cultural Richness:

Spain boasts a deep-rooted history that can be felt in its ancient streets, grand cathedrals, and age-old traditions. From the Moorish palaces of Andalusia to the Roman ruins dotting the countryside, history enthusiasts and digital nomads alike find a plethora of inspirations across the country.

Diverse Landscapes:

Whether you’re a beach lover, a mountain enthusiast, or someone who cherishes quaint villages, Spain has it all. A digital nomad in Spain can work from a beach cafe in Valencia one day and then find themselves amidst the Pyrenees’ snow-capped mountains the next.

Warm and Welcoming Climate:

Especially in the southern regions like Andalusia, Spain offers sun-drenched days that can boost anyone’s mood. For the digital nomad in Spain looking to escape harsh winters or scorching summers, the Mediterranean climate proves to be a blissful middle-ground.

Thriving Co-working Spaces and Digital Nomad Communities:

Cities like Barcelona and Madrid are known not only for their cultural and historical significance but also for their burgeoning co-working spaces. These hubs offer the perfect environment for networking, collaboration, and productivity, which is essential for any digital nomad in Spain.

Affordable Living Costs:

Compared to other Western European countries, Spain stands out for its relatively low living expenses. From reasonably priced accommodations to delectable yet affordable meals, a digital nomad in Spain can enjoy a high standard of living without breaking the bank.

Connectivity and Digital Infrastructure:

Being a digital nomad in Spain doesn’t mean compromising on connectivity. With widespread high-speed internet access and an increasing number of establishments offering free Wi-Fi, staying connected is hassle-free.

Language and Integration:

While Spanish is the dominant language, many people, especially in urban areas and tourist hotspots, speak English. Moreover, Spaniards are known for their warm and welcoming nature, making it easier for a digital nomad in Spain to integrate and form lasting connections.

In essence, Spain offers a unique blend of experiences that cater to both the wanderlust and work needs of the modern digital nomad. With its myriad of attractions, both natural and artificial, combined with an infrastructure that supports the digital lifestyle, it’s no surprise that Spain is fast becoming a preferred destination for the global nomadic community.

Understanding the Visa Options for a Digital Nomad in Spain

Embarking on the journey as a digital nomad in Spain requires more than just packing your bags and booking a flight. Navigating the visa process is crucial to ensure a seamless and legal stay in this beautiful country. Fortunately, Spain offers several visa options suitable for the digital nomad community. Let’s explore them:

Tourist Visa:

Most travelers from non-EU countries can enter Spain for up to 90 days within 180 days without a visa. This Schengen visa, while not explicitly designed for digital nomads, is often the first choice for those testing the waters.

  • Duration, Conditions, and Limitations: This visa allows a short stay, ideal for digital nomads wanting a taste of Spain before committing longer. However, it’s crucial to note that working on a tourist visa might be legally ambiguous, so a digital nomad in Spain must ensure they adhere to the visa’s conditions.
  • Costs Associated with Application and Renewals: While many countries have visa-free access, others might require a Schengen visa application, which comes with a fee, typically around 80 euros. Renewing or extending this visa within Spain can be complicated, so it’s often easier for a digital nomad in Spain to exit the Schengen area and return after a specific duration.

Non-Lucrative Visa:

This visa is an excellent option for digital nomads who have a steady income source outside of Spain. It allows one to live (but not work for a Spanish company) in Spain for a year, and it can be renewed.

  • What it is and Who Qualifies: The Non-Lucrative Visa is designed for individuals who can support themselves without taking a job in Spain. As a digital nomad in Spain, if you earn from clients or employers outside Spain, this might be the correct visa for you.
  • Costs and Application Process: The application fee varies but is generally in the range of 150-200 euros. Applicants must also show proof of income, usually around 25,000 euros annually, or substantial savings. Comprehensive health insurance with no co-pays or deductibles and a clean criminal record are other prerequisites.

Spain’s Special Digital Nomad Visa (if available by now):

Some countries have started introducing special visas tailored for the digital nomad community. If Spain has followed suit by now, this would be a game-changer.

  • Benefits and Qualifications: A potential digital nomad visa would simplify the process of living and working in Spain for extended periods. Qualifications might focus on proving remote work status and having a steady income.
  • Associated Costs: The cost of such a visa would likely be competitive to attract the growing number of digital nomads. It’s essential to check the official Spanish immigration website or consult with a local attorney for the most up-to-date information.

Cost Breakdown for a Digital Nomad in Spain

Understanding the costs associated with living in a new country is paramount for digital nomads. Spain, with its myriad of experiences, offers a range of living costs depending on one’s choices and location. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of the expenses you might encounter as a digital nomad in Spain:

Accommodation Costs:

Where you lay your head at night is one of the most significant expenses. The options and their costs vary widely:

  • Hostels: Ideal for short stays or those on a tight budget, with prices ranging from €15 to €40 per night, depending on the city and the season.
  • Shared Apartments: A popular choice for the digital nomad in Spain seeking a balance between cost and comfort. Expect to pay anywhere from €300 to €700 a month, with prices higher in cities like Madrid and Barcelona.
  • Solo Apartments: For those desiring privacy, a one-bedroom apartment in city centers might cost €700 to €1,200 a month, while in smaller towns or outskirts, it could be as low as €500.
  • Airbnb: A flexible option for digital nomads, but generally pricier. Monthly rates can vary significantly, with discounts often available for more extended stays.

Food and Dining:

Spanish cuisine is a delight, and as a digital nomad in Spain, you’ll likely want to indulge:

  • Eating Out: A meal at an inexpensive restaurant may cost between €8 to €15. A three-course meal at a mid-range restaurant might set you back €30 to €50.
  • Grocery Shopping: Basic monthly groceries (excluding alcohol and dining out) for a single person might cost between €150 to €250. Local markets offer fresh produce, often at lower prices.

Transportation Costs:

Getting around is an integral part of the digital nomad experience:

  • Public Transport: Major cities have efficient metro and bus systems. A monthly pass typically costs between €40 to €60.
  • Ride-sharing and Taxis: Starting fares are usually around €3-€4 with an additional €1-€2 per kilometer.
  • Bikes and Scooters: Many cities in Spain are bike-friendly. Renting a bike might cost €10-€15 per day, but monthly rentals or city bike-sharing programs can offer better deals.

Health and Insurance:

Staying healthy is crucial for anyone, primarily a digital nomad in Spain:

  • Health Insurance: Essential if you’re staying long-term. Comprehensive coverage might cost between €50 to €150 per month.
  • Doctor Visits and Procedures: A routine doctor visit can range from €40 to €100. It’s often cheaper with insurance.

Leisure and Entertainment:

All work and no play is no way for a digital nomad in Spain:

  • Tourist Attractions: Entry to landmarks like Sagrada Familia or Alhambra might cost between €10 to €20.
  • Recreational Activities: A gym membership is around €30 to €60 per month. Movie tickets are approximately €8 to €12.

Communication and Work-related Expenses:

Staying connected is a priority for the digital nomad:

  • Mobile Phone Plans: A plan with ample data might cost between €15 to €30 per month.
  • Co-working Spaces: For those who prefer a dedicated workspace, expect to pay anywhere from €100 to €300 per month, depending on amenities and location.

Money-saving Tips for the Digital Nomad in Spain

Thriving as a digital nomad in Spain isn’t just about exploring picturesque landscapes and relishing in the vibrant culture; it’s also about managing finances astutely. Balancing your wanderlust with a budget is crucial for a sustainable and enriching experience. Here are some top money-saving tips tailored for the digital nomad in Spain:

  1. Explore Regional Living:

Significant cities like Barcelona and Madrid are enticing, but they come with a heftier price tag. By opting for smaller cities or towns like Granada, Valencia, or Bilbao, a digital nomad in Spain can enjoy lower living costs without compromising on the Spanish charm.

  1. Embrace Local Cuisine:

While Spain offers a plethora of international cuisines, nothing beats the authenticity and affordability of local dishes. Tapas bars often serve free tapas with drinks, providing a delicious and cost-effective dining experience.

  1. Use Public Transport or Walk:

Spain boasts excellent public transport networks, especially in urban areas. Monthly transport passes offer significant savings. Alternatively, many Spanish cities are walkable, offering the added benefit of discovering hidden gems on foot.

  1. Be Flexible with Accommodation:

For the long-term digital nomad in Spain, considering shared apartments or looking for housing deals outside the touristy areas can lead to substantial savings. Websites like Idealista or Fotocasa are local favorites for finding rental deals.

  1. Get a Local SIM Card:

International roaming charges can be excessive. Buying a local SIM card provides ample data and local call options at a fraction of the cost.

  1. Benefit from Free Activities:

Spain is brimming with free activities. From strolling through historic quarters enjoying beach days to attending local festivals, the digital nomad in Spain can immerse in the culture without stretching the wallet.

  1. Leverage Digital Nomad Networks:

Joining local digital nomad groups, whether online or offline, can offer insights into discounts, deals, or shared resources. Networking can also open doors to co-living or co-working spaces that offer exceptional rates.

  1. Take Advantage of Discounts and Deals:

Many Spanish cities offer discount cards for tourists, covering transportation, attractions, and sometimes dining. While primarily for tourists, a digital nomad in Spain can also take advantage of these for initial explorations.

  1. Learn Basic Spanish:

While many Spaniards speak English, especially in tourist areas, a basic grasp of Spanish can help in negotiating prices, understanding local deals, and integrating into the community, leading to potential savings.

  1. Plan for Major Expenses:

Whether it’s renewing visa fees, health insurance, or any other significant expense, planning allows the digital nomad in Spain to find the best deals and manage finances smoothly.


Embracing the life of a digital nomad in Spain is about more than just remote work against a backdrop of historic landmarks, sun-kissed beaches, and flavorful tapas. It’s an intricate dance of adapting to a new culture, navigating logistical intricacies, and balancing the allure of endless exploration with the pragmatic aspects of daily living.

Spain’s rich history, diverse landscapes, and welcoming locals make it a top-tier destination for digital nomads worldwide. However, as with any adventure, being well-prepared and informed is crucial. By understanding the various costs associated with living in Spain, considering visa options, and leveraging money-saving tips, a digital nomad in Spain can maximize their experience.

Ultimately, the journey of a digital nomad in Spain is as enriching as it is transformative. It’s about finding a new rhythm, establishing connections in unfamiliar territories, and evolving both personally and professionally. And while the road might have its share of challenges, the memories, experiences, and growth garnered along the way are priceless.

So, to every aspiring digital nomad in Spain, here’s to new beginnings, endless adventures, and exciting chapters waiting to be written in the vibrant tapestry of Spain. The process of obtaining a digital nomad visa for Spain can be confusing. Having a team of lawyers you trust can help speed the process up, and also help you focus on planning your move. Let our Digital Nomad Visa Lawyers handle the hard and boring stuff so you can start your new lifestyle in Spain. ¡Buena suerte!

FAQ’s Section

How Much Does it Cost to be a Digital Nomad in Spain: Expert FAQ

What is a digital nomad?

A digital nomad is an individual who works remotely, often online and isn’t tied to a fixed location. They use technology to perform their job and frequently travel to various places, making a living while exploring the world.

Why is Spain a popular destination for digital nomads?

Spain offers a mix of rich history, diverse culture, warm climate, stunning landscapes, and modern amenities. Additionally, cities like Barcelona and Valencia have established coworking spaces and communities catered to digital nomads.

What are the average living expenses for a digital nomad in Spain?

On average, a digital nomad might spend between €1,200 to €2,500 per month in Spain. This includes accommodation, food, transportation, entertainment, and other miscellaneous expenses.

How does the cost of living in Spain compare to other European countries?

Generally, Spain is more affordable than countries in Northern Europe like Denmark or Sweden but might be slightly more expensive than some Eastern European countries. However, the quality of life and amenities in Spain can be superior to many of its neighbors.

What are the accommodation options for digital nomads in Spain?

Digital nomads can choose from various accommodations like hostels, Airbnb rentals, shared apartments, or even co-living spaces, which are becoming increasingly popular in bigger cities.

Is healthcare expensive for digital nomads in Spain?

Spain has an excellent public healthcare system. EU citizens with a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) can access it for free or at reduced costs. Non-EU nomads should consider health insurance; however, private healthcare is generally more affordable than in many Western countries.

How can transportation costs be managed while living as a digital nomad in Spain?

Spain boasts an efficient public transportation system. Monthly passes for metros and buses range from €40 to €70. For intercity travel, buses and the high-speed AVE train network are cost-effective options.

What about the cost of coworking spaces?

Spain has a growing number of coworking spaces, especially in its urban areas. Monthly memberships can range from €100 to €300, depending on the location and amenities.

Are there any additional expenses digital nomads should be aware of?

Yes, aside from basic living costs, nomads should account for travel insurance, occasional travel tickets for exploring the country, and possibly expenses related to work equipment and software subscriptions.

What tips can help digital nomads save money while living in Spain?

Eating at local tapas bars, using city bikes or walking for transportation, choosing accommodation away from tourist hotspots, and making use of free events and attractions can significantly reduce expenses.

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