
Challenges of a Nomad Visa Spain and How to Overcome Them


In a world where technology has made it possible to work from anywhere, more and more people are embracing the digital nomad lifestyle. This lifestyle allows individuals to work remotely, travel the world, and experience new cultures while earning a living. One country that has become particularly attractive to digital nomads is Spain, thanks to its pleasant climate, rich culture, and relatively low cost of living. Recognizing this trend, the Spanish government introduced the Nomad Visa Spain, a special visa allowing digital nomads to live and work in Spain legally.

The Nomad Visa Spain is an excellent opportunity for digital nomads to enjoy the Spanish lifestyle while continuing their work. However, like any other visa application, it comes with its challenges. From the application process to the cost of living in Spain, there are several hurdles that applicants may encounter along the way.

In this article, we will outline some of the most common challenges faced by digital nomads applying for a Nomad Visa Spain and provide some practical tips on overcoming them. Whether you are considering applying for a Nomad Visa Spain or are already in the process, this guide will help you navigate the challenges and make your experience as smooth as possible.

The Challenges

Getting the Nomad Visa Spain

The first and foremost challenge is the application process for the Nomad Visa Spain. It requires a set of documents, and the process can be time-consuming.

  • Documentation required: Applicants must provide several documents, including a valid passport, proof of income, health insurance, and a criminal background check. Additionally, you may be required to provide proof of accommodation in Spain and a letter from your employer or a client stating that you will be working remotely.
  • Process and waiting times: The application process for the Nomad Visa Spain can be complex and may require a lot of patience. After submitting your application and all required documents, it may take several weeks or even months to get a response from the Spanish consulate.
  • Eligibility criteria: To be eligible for the Nomad Visa Spain, you must meet specific criteria. For example, you must have a stable income of at least €2,500 per month or €30,000 per year. Additionally, you must not be a resident in a country where Spain has visa-free travel agreements.

Cost of Living

Spain is known for its relatively low cost of living compared to other Western European countries. However, it can still be challenging for some digital nomads, especially those on a tight budget.

  • Accommodation: Renting an apartment or a room in Spain can be expensive, especially in major cities like Barcelona and Madrid. Additionally, landlords may require a deposit of up to three months’ rent.
  • Food: Eating out in Spain can be affordable, but it can add up quickly if you dine out frequently. Additionally, groceries can be expensive, especially for imported products.
  • Health insurance: Health insurance is mandatory for the Nomad Visa Spain application. However, the cost of health insurance can vary significantly depending on the coverage and the insurance company.


Understanding the tax obligations in Spain and your home country can be a complex challenge for digital nomads.

  • Tax obligations in Spain: As a digital nomad on a Nomad Visa Spain, you are considered a non-resident for tax purposes. However, you may still be required to pay taxes on any income earned in Spain.
  • Tax obligations in your home country: Depending on your home country, you may still be required to pay taxes on your worldwide income, even if you live in Spain.

Language Barrier

While many Spaniards speak English, especially in major cities, the primary language is Spanish. This can challenge digital nomads who need to speak Spanish fluently.

  • Spanish language proficiency: Even though you can get by with English in significant cities, knowing some basic Spanish can make your daily life easier and help you integrate into the local community.
  • English language proficiency: While many services and businesses in major cities have English-speaking staff, it is only sometimes guaranteed. Additionally, official documents and forms may only be available in Spanish.

Internet Connectivity

Reliable internet connectivity is crucial for digital nomads. While Spain has a good internet infrastructure, some areas can face challenges.

  • Availability of high-speed internet: While significant cities and tourist areas have high-speed internet, it may need to be more reliable in rural areas or smaller towns.
  • Cost of mobile data: Mobile data plans in Spain can be expensive, especially if you need a large data allowance.

How to Overcome the Challenges

Preparing for the Nomad Visa Spain Application

Proper preparation can make the application process for the Nomad Visa Spain much smoother.

  • Gather all required documents in advance: Make a checklist of all the documents required for the Nomad Visa Spain application and ensure that you have all of them before starting the application process.
  • Have all documents translated into Spanish: A certified translator must translate any document that is not in Spanish.
  • Make copies of all necessary documents: It is always good to have extra copies, just in case.

Planning Your Finances

Being financially prepared is crucial for a smooth experience in Spain.

  • Create a budget for your stay in Spain: Consider all your expenses, including rent, food, health insurance, transportation, and leisure activities.
  • Open a bank account in Spain: Having a Spanish bank account can make it easier to manage your finances while in Spain.
  • Get a credit card that does not charge foreign transaction fees: This can help you save money on international transactions.

Understanding the Tax Obligations

Consulting with a tax professional can help you understand your tax obligations in Spain and your home country.

  • Consult with a tax professional: A tax professional can help you understand the tax obligations in Spain and your home country and help you plan accordingly.
  • Keep records of all income and expenses: This will make it easier to file your taxes at the end of the year.

Learning the Language

Knowing some basic Spanish can make your daily life easier and help you integrate into the local community.

  • Take Spanish lessons: There are many language schools and online platforms where you can take Spanish lessons.
  • Use language learning apps: Several language learning apps can help you improve your Spanish.
  • Practice speaking with locals: Practicing speaking with locals can help you improve your Spanish and also help you make new friends.

Ensuring Reliable Internet Connectivity

Reliable internet connectivity is crucial for digital nomads.

  • Choose accommodation with high-speed internet: Check the internet speed before booking.
  • Get a local SIM card with a good data plan: A local SIM card can help you stay connected when you are not home.
  • Have a backup internet option: A backup internet option, such as a mobile hotspot, can be a lifesaver in case your primary internet connection fails.


Applying for a Nomad Visa Spain and living as a digital nomad in Spain can be a rewarding experience. However, it comes with challenges, from the application process to the cost of living, taxation, language barrier, and internet connectivity. Preparing and planning to overcome these challenges can make your experience much smoother.

In this article, we have outlined some of the most common challenges digital nomads face applying for a Nomad Visa Spain and provided practical tips on overcoming them. This guide will help you navigate the challenges and make your experience in Spain as enjoyable as possible.

Remember, preparation is critical, and with the right plan in place, you can overcome any challenge that comes your way. Our Digital Nomad Visa Lawyers can help you with these challenges as well. We have experienced the process of obtaining this visa and want to make this process simple for you. Good luck with your Nomad Visa Spain application, and enjoy your time in Spain!


What is a Nomad Visa in Spain?

The Nomad Visa in Spain is a type of visa that allows foreign nationals to live and work remotely in Spain for up to one year.

What are the challenges of obtaining a Nomad Visa in Spain?

Some challenges include meeting the income requirements, providing proof of health insurance, and showing proof of accommodation.

Can I bring my family with me on a Nomad Visa in Spain?

You can apply for your spouse and dependent children to join you in Spain while on a Nomad Visa.

How long does it take to process a Nomad Visa application?

It usually takes 1-3 months for the application to be processed.

What are the income requirements for a Nomad Visa?

You must show proof of a stable monthly income of at least €2,500.

Do I need to have a job before applying for a Nomad Visa?

No, you do not need a job before applying, but you must show proof of a stable income.

Can I work for a Spanish company while on a Nomad Visa?

No, the Nomad Visa only allows you to work remotely for a foreign company.

Do I need to pay taxes in Spain while on a Nomad Visa?

Yes, you must pay taxes on your worldwide income in Spain.

Can I extend my Nomad Visa after one year?

No, the Nomad Visa is not extendable. However, you can apply for a different visa or residence permit if you wish to stay longer.

How can I overcome the challenges of obtaining a Nomad Visa?

To overcome the challenges, ensure you meet all the requirements, have all the necessary documents, and apply well in advance. It may also be helpful to consult with an immigration expert or the Spanish consulate for guidance.

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