Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

A Digital Nomad Visa is a specialized type of visa offered by certain countries, including Spain, that allows remote workers, freelancers, and digital nomads to live and work in that country for a specified period. It acknowledges the changing nature of work in the digital age and provides a legal avenue for digital professionals to stay longer than a typical tourist visa would allow.

While you can work remotely from anywhere with an internet connection, working in a foreign country on a regular tourist visa may violate its terms. A Digital Nomad Visa ensures you can work legally and often comes with additional benefits and resources to help you settle and connect with the local community. 

Several countries have introduced or are considering Digital Nomad Visas, including Spain, Estonia, Barbados, Bermuda, Georgia, Croatia, and Portugal, among others. However, the list is growing, so it's advisable to check the latest offerings from countries around the world. 

Requirements vary by country but generally include proof of ongoing remote employment or freelance work, evidence of income above a certain threshold, health insurance coverage, and, occasionally, a background check. Some countries may also require an application fee. 

The duration varies. For example, Estonia's visa allows for a stay of up to 12 months, while Barbados's "Welcome Stamp" and Spain's are also valid for 12 months but can be extended. It's essential to check the specific terms of each country's visa. 

Many countries that offer a Digital Nomad Visa also have provisions for family members. However, the specific terms, requirements, and fees for families depend on the country in question. 

Tax obligations vary by country. In some cases, digital nomads may not be required to pay local taxes on foreign-sourced income, but they may still have tax obligations in their home country. It's essential to consult with a tax professional to understand the specifics. 

Generally, Digital Nomad Visas are temporary and aren't directly linked to pathways for permanent residency or citizenship. However, your extended stay could potentially make it easier to transition to another visa type in some countries, depending on local immigration policies. 

Not necessarily. While the Digital Nomad Visa allows you to stay in the country for an extended period, it doesn't mean you're obligated to. However, there may be stipulations about how long you can be out of the country without the visa becoming invalid, so it's essential to check the specific terms. 

Typically, the Digital Nomad Visa is designed for individuals working remotely for companies or clients based outside the host country. Working for a local company may require a different type of work permit or visa.