Car Accident Lawyer

At the Coleman Law Group, we understand that being involved in a car accident is a traumatic and stressful experience. Therefore, we strive to provide our clients with the best car accident lawyer in Florida who can give them the attention and compassion they deserve. Our Florida car accident lawyers are dedicated to helping our clients seek the justice and compensation they are entitled.



Contact our Tampa, Florida law office at (813) 749-9981 to arrange a free case evaluation today. We can help you determine your rights to take legal action and recover compensation from those responsible for your medical bills, lost earnings, and pain and suffering.


If you have been involved in a car accident in Sarasota, an experienced lawyer at the Coleman Law Group can help you recover maximum, full, and fair compensation for your injuries.

St. Petersburg

Every year in the United States there are around 9,000 bus accidents, which injure over 12,000 people and cause more than 300 deaths.

Land O’ Lakes

A knowledgeable and experienced trial attorney at the Coleman Law Group can level the playing field for you to recover everything you deserve for medical expenses, lost earnings, and pain and suffering. When you call us, your consultation is free.

What is a car accident?

A car accident involves motor vehicles where one or more drivers are at fault for the resulting damages. Car accidents can range from minor fender benders to serious, catastrophic collisions resulting in injury and death.

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Car Accidents in Land O Lakes

What are the Types of Car Accidents?

Car accidents can be classified into different types depending on the cause and severity of the accident. However, the most common types of car accidents include rear-ending collisions, sideswipes, head-on collisions, single-vehicle accidents, and hit-and-run incidents.

What Types of Car Accidents Does Coleman Law Group Handle?

At Coleman Law Group, we specialize in a wide variety of car accident cases, including:

Rear-end collisions
Head-on collisions
Single-vehicle accidents
Hit-and-run incidents

Drunk driving accidents
Texting while driving accidents
Uninsured and underinsured motorist claims
Accidents caused by road debris

Premier Car Accident Lawyer in Florida

Our car accident lawyers in Florida are experienced in handling all car accident cases. We provide personalized legal representation to every one of our clients. Our attorneys are prepared to go the extra mile to provide you with the best service possible. We will work with you to ensure that you understand your rights and legal options and will fight for the best possible outcome for your case.

car accident lawyer compensation

Should You Get a Lawyer After a Car Accident in Florida?

If you have been involved in a car accident in Florida, hiring a car accident lawyer in Florida is in your best interest. Car accidents can be complicated, and having an experienced attorney can make the process much easier. In addition, a lawyer can help you understand your rights and will fight for the best possible outcome for your case.

How Can Coleman Law Group Help?

At the Coleman Law Group, we understand how difficult it can be to deal with the aftermath of a car accident. Here at the Coleman Law Group, we understand you may feel overwhelmed and confused. However, our experienced car accident lawyers in Florida are here to help. We will work with you to protect your rights, and you will work to get the compensation you deserve. We will take the time to understand your case and fight for the best possible outcome.

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Why Hire Coleman Law Group?

At the Coleman Law Group, a team of experienced car accident lawyers in Florida is dedicated to helping our clients seek the justice they deserve. We provide personalized legal representation to every one of our clients. We take the time to understand each case and determine the best course of action. Our attorneys are knowledgeable in the law and are prepared to fight for the best possible outcome for your case. We understand your challenges and will provide you with the compassion and care you need during this difficult time.

At the Coleman Law Group, we understand that car accidents can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. Therefore, we provide our clients with the knowledge, care, and compassion they need to feel secure and confident in the legal process. We take pride in being one of Florida’s best car accident law firms, providing our clients with the highest quality legal services.

Chasing your dreams or facing setbacks? Our attorneys stand strong with you. We fight relentlessly for justice and help you move forward. Experience the difference we can make.

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