It’s one popular truth that the moments after a car accident can be pretty devastating for the victims. Receiving car accident compensations for your damages can help to make it a bit bearable.
Sadly though, a lot of people miss out on getting the car accident compensations they deserve because they are not properly informed, or they have some misconceptions about the whole concept. Luckily for you, this article will discuss some of the most popular misconceptions about car accident compensations. We will also reveal the truth about these myths and teach you the correct way to go about it. This way, you are properly guided with the right information if you, or a loved one, ever get into an accident.
The Truth About some Popular Car Accident Compensation Myths
Now, let’s examine some of these claims and discover the truth about them.
The at-fault driver’s insurance company will automatically pay your car accident compensations, even if you do not file a claim.
This is one belief that is popular among many ill-informed drivers. And it explains why many people do not bother about filing a car accident compensations claim after they have been in an accident. However, the truth is that you will most likely not get any compensation if you do not file a claim.
Firstly, you need to understand that insurance companies are in the business because they want to make money. This means that they will often try to minimize expenses and losses. So, they will try everything within their means to avoid paying your deserved car accident compensations. It is even better news for these companies if you do not file a claim, or when you go about it wrongly. In such cases, they can easily escape paying your full car accident compensations. And you sure can bet that they will maximize such loop holes.
This is why it is often best advised that you seek the help of an expert lawyer for your car accident compensations claim. These lawyers already know the processes involved. Plus, they know how to maneuver all loop holes and ensure you get your deserved settlement.
Car accident compensations only cover your medical bills and damages to your car.
Many times, people are misled to believe that they can only receive car accident compensations for their injuries and car damages incurred from the accident. This is also a myth that has proven to be false.
The truth is that car accidents are often quite dangerous, and can lead to many more damages. For instance, a victim of such accidents might be exposed to financial damages, emotional damages, pain and suffering, among others. Thankfully, the Constitution has recognized these other possible damages, and made provisions for their compensation. This means that you can get car accident compensations for much more than just hospital bills and car damages.
With a good lawyer by your side, you can get compensation for your pain and trauma, lost wages or work time, etc.
There’s no point seeing a doctor if you didn’t break any bones or get physically injured.
After an accident, it is very likely that the victims will incur injuries of various degrees. Of course, one of the first things to do in such situations is to visit the hospital and get yourself treated. After that, you can submit your medical bills, alongside other pieces of evidence, while filing your car accident compensation claim.
However, there are other times when you might not notice any obvious injury after an accident. In such cases, people often overlook the need to visit the hospital, which is a pretty dangerous thing to do.
You see, some injuries might not be immediately obvious after an accident. Instead, they take a couple of days to fully manifest. This explains why you might feel okay immediately after an accident, but then, you start experiencing severe pains some days later. It is also why experts advise that you should go to a hospital immediately after an accident situation, whether you notice an injury or not.
Let the doctors carry out general check ups and confirm everything is fine with your body system. And in case they detect potential issues, then go ahead and treat it. You can file and get car accident compensations for such medical bills too.
You can wait for however long after an accident before filing a claim.
This is another popular misconceptions people hold about car accident compensations. And, sadly, it might play a role in denying you your deserved settlement. You should know that the success of your car accident claim can be time-bound, and the longer you wait before filing a claim, the less likely it might become that you will win your deserved compensation.
In fact, most states have stringent statutes of limitation that defines how much time you can take to file a car accident claim. Some states peg the time within two years, and others allow for three years. Whatever the case is, though, you should note that you have higher chances of winning your claim when you file earlier.
Hiring a car accident attorney is too expensive.
The truth is that the cost of not hiring a car accident attorney to help with your case might even be higher than when you hire one. Think about it this way; the attorney is already experienced in handling such cases as yours. So, they are less likely to make mistakes and more likely to achieve desired result.
On the other hand, you may make rookie mistakes that will jeopardize the whole case when you decide to handle it yourself. In essence, even though you are spending money for the attorney’s services, it is very likely the cheaper option in the long run. Plus, many attorneys, like us, offer free consultations so that you can meet with us for free and learn about what we can do for you and your case. In that meeting, you can talk about costs of services before your attorney begins working on your case, that way you can know beforehand what to expect in terms of payout.
Coleman Law Group can Help You
Indeed, having an experienced attorney by your side might be what helps win your car accident compensations claim. Luckily, we have a highly qualified and experienced team that is always ready to give you the best representation at the Coleman Law Group. Contact us now and let’s help win your claim!